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Have you heard this when you first call a prospect and get the gatekeeper? “May I tell him/her who’s calling?” Or “May I ask what you’re calling about?” Or “What company are you with?”

Of course you’ve heard these gatekeeper questions. We all have. That’s the way gatekeepers are supposed to talk when they answer the phone. Especially to salespeople like yourself. Their job is to make sure the right people get through and to keep out the wrong people--salespeople--who aren’t supposed to make it through. That’s why they’re keepers of the gate.

If you answer logically and provide your name, explain why you’re calling, and offer your company name, you risk putting yourself in the category of wrong and sealing your fate on the call. No way you’re getting through to your prospect now.

So what to do instead? Talk with pattern breaks.

Here’s how.

  • First off, know that you don’t have to talk with a gatekeeper in a logical manner. You’re free to answer in a way that serves your interests, not a gatekeeper’s.
  • Second, when you call to speak to a specific person, talk with an informal tone. For example, if you’re calling someone named Bob Smith, start off with something like this: “Good morning. Bob isn’t in this morning, is he?” This creates an embedded sense of familiarity. You sound like you know Bob and he knows you.
  • Third, know that it’s OK to tell the gatekeeper what to do. If the gatekeeper tells you something like, “Let me check to see,” you can tell the gatekeeper something like, “That’s OK. Just put me through to his/her voice mail.” This one works well a lot. Chances are you’ll get right through to your prospect’s voice mail.
  • Fourth, when you leave your prospect a message, keep it brief. For example, say something like, “Hello, Bob. This is John Doe. My phone number is … Please call me. It’s important that we talk.” Then hang up. You’re done and done.

Above all, when your prospect does call you back--and many will--be prepared with a prospecting cookbook to guide the conversation to securing an appointment.

Register for our 2-Day Sales Boot Camp and learn the ultimate pattern interrupt for when you DO get the prospect on the phone.  It works 90+% of the time!


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